Does Your Pillow Impact Your Health?

Having a collection of pillows can have benefits and disadvantages for you and your partner in terms of health, wealth, wellness, and posture. This topic is a little vague, even though they have been attempting to clear out the fog.

So, how does your pillow influence your health state? The answer lies in what people experience, their current sleeping position, and how they feel in the morning.

Here are some of the things you need to know if you are still concerned about your well-being. So proceed to explore this collection of tips to make you feel better.

Sleeping position.

sleeping positions

If you sleep on your belly, you should acknowledge the pros and cons of it. The pros are that you can sleep pretty well without a pillow. If you use your pillow, you will increase the likelihood of neck strain. This is because the inconvenient neck angle will increase.

In addition, sleeping on your belly creates a significant strain on your spine, as body weight is typically distributed in the middle of the body. This inverted C-like hyperextension adds stress on your back and neck, making it hard for your spine to maintain its natural curve, which almost always resembles a letter S.

It is recommended to use a very thin pillow or form suspension on the head or neck, and support the inverted position of the trunk around the pelvis area using a thick pillow.

The other group of sleepers includes those who sleep on their backs and side. These two huddles of people are more likely to sleep with their pillows suspended in between their knees or on the sides of their heads. If not, you will not be able to keep your spine in a neutral position at the night – especially when you are turning or twisting.

A bonus tip for stomach sleepers is to stretch in the morning. Make sure you start with some sort of warm-up, like jogging, dancing, walking, shuffle, or skipping before stretching. Do not stretch cold muscles. Warm-up to between 5-10 minutes. Then do the following stretches.

  • Arm plank
  • The bridge poses
  • Butterfly stretch
  • Reach for your toes when standing
  • Elevated glute bridge with a chair
  • Cat and cow pose
  • Downward dog pose
  • Slow hamstring extensions
  •   Cobra pose

Your own experience

As we have seen, pillows have advantages and disadvantages, just like other things in life. And the good thing about these perceptions will be based on what we feel in the morning. That’s why we insist on how you feel in the morning as a measure of how far you can tolerate or incorporate pillows in your night routine. The level of comfortability will depend on how much you can afford and the preferred sleeping position. For example, sleeping on your back means that you will have to be comfortable having a pillow between your knees. If not, you may experience some bit of pain or strain on your spine.

Remember, it’s all in how you feel the next morning.

Age, time, and occupation of life

As you base your feeling, you should not readily compare yourself with others. It is better to accept that professional athletes or Olympians are more likely to have more cases of back and neck strain after training. These categories need to prevent this scenario critically as it can have bigger consequences on their careers. Also, expectant women should be specifically delicate about how they use pillows and which side of their body they choose to sleep on. They can opt for sleeping on the side and using pregnancy pillows.